
Baroque itinerary

Duration: 4 hours
Meeting point: Palermo Piazza Verdi (Teatro Massimo)


  • Tourist guide with audio system wi-fi

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Punto d’incontro – Meeting point – Point de recontre

Palermo Piazza Verdi (Teatro Massimo) ore 08:00 raduno partecipanti, ore 08:30 partenza

Route Description

After a short five-minute walk, we will reach P.zza Pretoria, from where we start our scheduled itinerary. We begin our tour with the visit of S. Giuseppe dei Teatini, located at the four corners of the town and then straight on to the church of S. Caterina, with its rich interior decorations, and finally a visit of one of the most spectacular baroque  churches in Sicily, the so-called “Casa Professa”, where you can find remarkable stuccoes by Giacomo Serpotta.

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